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The greater good...

Something wonderful happens when we become minimalists: our efforts ripple out to effect positive change in the world. Every time we decide against a frivolous purchase, make do with something we already have, or borrow from a friend instead of buying, it's like giving a little gift to the planet (and the rest of its inhabitants). The air will be a little cleaner, the water a little clearer, the forests a little fuller, the landfills a little emptier. We may have embraced minimalism to save money, save time, or save space in our homes, but our actions have far greater benefits: they save the Earth from environmental harm, and save people from suffering unfair (and unsafe) working conditions.

Become a "minsumer" We can become minsumer by - minimising our consumption to what meets our needs - minimising the impact of our consumption on the environment - minimising the effect of our consumption on other people's lives.

The Earth has a finite number of resources for a growing number of people; and as more countries become industrialised, the greater the pressure on the system. In our quest for more goods and unfettered growth, we break the Earth's fragile ecosystem, shatter the lives of indigenous peoples, and leave future generations to clean up the mess. We're aware that we're stewards of the Earth, and have the responsibility to nourish and nurture it for future generations. As minsumers, we want to do the opposite, we want to live as lightly, gracefully and beautifully as possible. We want to flit through life with the little baggage, unencumbered by excess stuff. We want to leave the Earth and its resources whole and intact.

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