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If simplifying your life feels like an endless cycle of post holiday decluttering, spring cleaning, and trying to keep your closet under control every season, it may be that your heart is not really in the game. Why do we take one step forward and two steps back? A little of that is part of the learning process, and part of leaning into change, but on a bigger scale, if you don’t know why you want to change, or if your reasons for change don’t resonate with your heart, you’ll repeat the change over and over again without sustainable results. If your heart isn’t in the game, permanent change doesn’t stand a chance. Really understand your motivation to change. What’s pulling on your heart? Change is scary, but looking back over the past 10 years, I’m so grateful I did it anyway. The more stress I released, the more time and space I created. Finally, there was room for more love; self-love, how I love my family, creating work I love … all the love. Each change I made to simplify my life demonstrated that less stuff = more love. Once simplifying your life becomes a matter of the heart, the universe will conspire to support and help you. You will connect with like-minded people, and find the strength you need to let go of the clutter, the busyness, and all of the other things standing between you and what matters most.

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